Tenant Services
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Service Department - Equal Housing Opportunites
The mission for the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Housing Authority is to develop affordable homes and housing opportunities for all Native American families on the Leech Lake Reservation, to provide efficient/sensitive services that lead to self-sufficient tenant/homeowners and healthy safe communities.
The Housing Services Program provides many services to our residents. “We are here to help you.” Our program has specific goals and objectives to meet the needs of the residents while complying with regulations that govern the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Housing Authority.
The following is a list of goals of the Housing Services Program.
- To provide explanations of the Mutual Help Program and Low-Income Rental Programs to the residents, ensuring your understanding and awareness of your rights and responsibilities in the housing program.
- To develop training courses as needed by the residents to enhance their quality of life. We strongly encourage all tenants to suggest topics and participate in these sessions.
- To provide information and coordinate referral services with tribal, state, and federal agencies to provide family and social services.
To provide you the opportunity to develop skills that will help you maintain and enjoy your home; therefore, reducing maintenance and repair costs and, delinquent accounts. - To provide transportation to any residents that have no other form of transportation to and from referral service.
- To provide activities that will enhance growth and opportunities to LLBOHA youth. Activities include awareness of the Anishinabe culture and basic social issues of today’s society.
- To welcome new ideas and suggestions on how to better serve our residents. We look forward to support from you in planning and implementing future activities.
Tenant Advocacy
The purpose of Advocacy is help the LLHA Residents remain in compliance with their lease agreements. Here are just a few examples of what we can do for you.
- We can do Home Visits/Phone contacts
- We can pick up rent payments
- We deliver recertification's, assisted on filling out Recertification's
- Assist on New Move-In's (refer the tenant to HRP for furniture)
- Assisting the tenants with the CAP "Corrected Action Plans" - These are plans that are developed to help the tenant remain in compliance with their lease agreement.
- A CAP agreement can correct any violations within the lease, pick up rent, provide a check off list for Housekeeping to assist the tenant with some organizational goals, provide an affordable rent collection schedule. The Advocates are here to help the tenants complete their CAP successfully.
- We can request work orders for you from your CAP but it is still the tenant's responsibility to make sure your calling in work that needs to be done.
- We provide "minimal" transportation to those residents that have no other means of transportation to and from referral service.
- We assist in local activities that enhance the growth and opportunity to the LLHA.
Waiting List Info
Contact Person: Sharon Grauman
Application Requirements: For an application to be processed as "COMPLETE", it must have the following information included.
- Copy of social security card for ALL household members
- Copy of tribal identification
- Income verification
Do not leave any questions blank, if the application does not have all the required information requested; your application will be considered "INCOMPLETE". For any Two (2) Consecutive missed updates the applicant will be removed from the Waiting List (Due to policy).
Point System
- Date of application 25 points
- Head of household/spouse or children of the HH is an enrolled member of Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. Proof of custody/guardianship must be provided 20 points
- Head of household or children are enrolled members of a federally recognized tribe 5 points.
- Applicant is local resident (within LL reservation service area; One (1) year to Three (3) 5 points, Three (3) to Ten (10) years 10 points, Over Ten (10) years 25 points
- Applicant is 62 years old or over 5 points, Disabled (must provide proof) 5 points, Veteran (must provide proof) 20 points, Transfer to different area -25 points, Update every Six (6) months 10 points.
* Until you reach 100 then every 6 months update 1 point will be added.

Housing Services/Tenant Advocacy
Tenant Advocates for the community are available from 8:00am-7:00pm.
Tenant advocates
General Staff Contact: (218) 335-8280
Sadonna Cloud
Phone: 218.308.4419
Clarinda Weybanais
Phone: 218.507.1624
Michael Warren
Phone: 218.242.6505
Housing Service Staff
Housing Service Coordinator
Esther Howard
Admissions Specialist/Receptionist
Sharon Grauman
Hsg. Compliance Specialist (Low Rent)
Brenda Rice
Collections Specialist
Reggie Wind
Tenant Advocacy
The housing services program provides outreach services to the LLHA residents. This is our mission to help you. Our program has organized goals and objectives to meet the needs of the residents, while complying with regulations that govern the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Housing Authority.
Main Phone Line: 218.335.8280
Emergency Pager: 218.888.2936
Address: 611 Elm Ave NW, Cass Lake, MN 56633
LLHA Executive Manangement
Executive Director
Harry J. Entwistle
Finance Officer
Toni McClanahan
Human Resource Manager
Gina Fairbanks
Board of Commissioners
The Leech Lake Housing Authority is governed by a Board of Commissioners comprised of 6 Band Members, two members are elected from each district to represent the constituents residing in that district. The Board develops policy for the administration to utilize in the day-to-day operations of the Housing Authority. Currently the Board meets two times a month to conduct business.