Leech Lake Housing Authority provides the following programs. Select a link below to jump to the related information.
Low Rent Program And NAHASDA
A rental program for lower income families, follows U. S. Median Income Guidelines.
This program is to provide families, with low incomes, affordable housing. It offers a wide variety of single-family homes (1,2,3 and 4 Bedroom), duplex and fourplex to qualified individuals on a year lease and on a month-to-month basis after 12 months.
Please note: This form is used for the following programs: Low Income Rental Program & Mutual Help Homebuyers Program.
Mutual Help Homebuyers Program
The Mutual Help Program gives low income persons the opportunity to achieve homeownership of a home through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Mutual Help Homebuyer’s program is administered by the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Housing Authority.
The Mutual Help Occupancy Agreement (MHOA) is a legal contract between you and the Housing Authority. The MHOA describes your rights and responsibilities as a participant in the Mutual Help Homeownership Program.
Homebuyer’s Obligations
Monthly Payments. Making your house payments on the first day of each month is important to your participation in the Mutual Help Program. The monthly payments are currently $250.00 plus a $75.00 maintenance reserve for a total of $325.00 per month. The maintenance reserve is a program fund that is available upon request to complete home repairs, purchase building Material or Appliances. Your monthly payment “is not based on your income” and “will not” increase your monthly payment. Please recertify every two (2) years, at the least.
Structural Changes. Do not make any structural changes to your home without first obtaining the consent of the Housing Authority. Alterations of additions to the home cannot be made unless the Housing Authority has first determined in writing that such changes would not impair the value of the home, the surrounding homes of the housing community as a whole, or, affect the use of the home for residential purposes, or violate HUD requirements as to the construction and design
- Legal Responsibilities of Homebuyers
- Make monthly payments promptly.
- Inform the LLBOHA of payment problems before due date.
- Accurately report income and income changes.
- Make no structural changes to the dwelling without LLBOHA approval.
- Pay utility bills promptly.
- Perform all maintenance and repairs.
- Cooperate during dwelling inspections.
- Abide by LLBOHA homebuyer policies and regulations.
- Maintenance Responsibility
- The homebuyer is responsible for all maintenance of the home and common property to insure that the property is maintained in a decent, safe, and sanitary condition. The Housing Authority is not obligated to pay for or provide any maintenance of the home other than warranty items during the warranty period.
- The Housing Authority keeps on hand supply of common items needed for repairs. These items are available to the homebuyer at cost. Maintenance staff, if requested will provide advice and technical assistance for homebuyers. Any maintenance problems experienced by homebuyers should be brought to the attention of the Housing Authority staff so that any assistance available may be provided.
- If the homebuyer fails to perform maintenance of the home, the Housing Authority is responsible for working out a plan of action with the homebuyer to correct the problem. Failure to comply may lead to a termination of the MHOA.
- Any maintenance work performed by Housing Authority is processed on a work order. Materials, mileage, and labor at cost will be billed to the homebuyer and a copy of the completed work order will be recorded in the homebuyers file.
Please note: This form is used for the following programs: Low Income Rental Program & Mutual Help Homebuyers Program.
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program
The LIHTC Program is an indirect Federal subsidy used to finance the development of affordable rental housing for low-income households. The LIHTC Program, which is based on Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code, was enacted by Congress in 1986 to provide the private market with an incentive to invest in affordable rental housing. Federal housing tax credits are awarded to developers of qualified projects. Developers then sell these credits to investors to raise capital (or equity) for their projects, which reduces the debt that the developer would otherwise have to borrow. Because the debt is lower, a tax credit property can in turn offer lower, more affordable rents.
Eligibility - Occupancy Threshold Requirements
Projects eligible for housing tax credits must meet low-income occupancy threshold requirements. Project owners may elect one of the following two thresholds:
- 20-50 Rule: At least 20 percent of the units must be rent restricted and occupied by households with incomes at or below 50 percent of the HUD-determined area median income (adjusted for household size).
- 40-60 Rule: At least 40 percent of the units must be rent restricted and occupied by households with incomes at or below 60 percent of the HUD-determined area median income (adjusted for household size).
Typical state QAPs encourage applicants to provide more than the minimum number of affordable units, and to provide greater than the minimum level of affordability. Moreover, credits are available only for the affordable units. As a result, many applications provide for 100 percent of the units to be affordable, and many applications provide for some units to be affordable well below 50 percent of AMI.
Rent Limits
The rent for each unit is established so that tenant monthly housing costs, including a utility allowance, do not exceed the applicable LIHTC rent limit. These limits are based on a percentage of area median income, as adjusted by unit size. Of course, rents cannot exceed local market limits.
It is important to note that the LIHTC Program restricts only the portion of the rent paid by the tenant, not the total rent. As a result, certain rental assistance programs can be used to raise the total rent above the LIHTC rent limit. For example, project-based Section 8 contract rents can exceed the LIHTC limit, but tenant-based Section 8 contract rents cannot.
Affordability Requirements
The LIHTC program requires a minimum affordability period of 30 years (i.e., a 15-year compliance period and subsequent 15-year extended use period). Some states require a longer affordability period for all LIHTC properties, and other states may negotiate longer affordability periods on a property-specific basis. Tenant incomes are recertified annually to ensure their continued eligibility. The allocating agency is responsible for monitoring compliance with the provisions during the affordability period and must report the results of monitoring to the IRS.
Homeless Resource Program (HRP)
It is the mission of the Leech Lake Homeless Program to empower people who are homeless in and around the Leech Lake Reservation, by assisting them to find and maintain permanent housing. To educate the broader community about the causes of homelessness and help in finding solutions through community efforts.
Homeless Resource Program Office: (218) 335-8289
Leech Lake Homeless Shelter: (218) 335-3607
Client Intake Availability
Please make an appointment.
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
The Homeless Resource Program does not manage the LLBO homeless shelters, but educates clients on tenant rights. The shelter is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and has sleeping accommodations for 3 families at a time. Clients may stay up to 30 days.
What is Homeless?
The State of Minnesota defines as homeless any individual, unaccompanied youth or family that is without permanent place to live that is fit for human habitation. “Doubling Up” is considered homeless if they are without a home for a year or more or have had at least (4) episodes of homelessness in the past (3) years. Any period if institutionalization or incarceration, including transitional housing, prison/county jail, treatment, hospitals or foster care shall be ‘Excluded” when determining the length of time the household has been homeless.
Food Pantry
The food pantry for current clients will be held on Mondays and Fridays all day at the Homeless Resource Program.
Address: 113 7th St. NW, Cass Lake, MN 56633
The food shelf is only available for clients on Wednesdays.
Services Provided
- Assist in paperwork, copying documents, filling out applications, phone calls, etc…
- Transportation (housing purposes only)
- Budgeting Information
- Referrals
- Educate clients on Landlords and Tenants Rights and Responsibilities
- Collaboration with other agencies
- Provide outreach services to surrounding communities within the Leech Lake Reservation
- Build successful renters
- Case Management
- Meet definition of homelessness
- Income guidelines
- Ongoing case management
- Eviction notices
- Remain in compliance with program guidelines
- Documented disability
HRP advocates
Program Manager
Teresa Gunter
Phone: 218.536.0396
Case Manager
Deanna Monroe
Phone: 218.407.5223
Case Manager
Katie Brown
Phone: 218.760.8689
Support Services for Rural Homeless Youth (SSRHY)
“It is the mission of the SSRHY Project to provide confidential, non‐judgmental services to homeless, runaway and at‐risk youth on the Leech Lake Reservation”
Program Guidelines
The SSRHY Project will provide services that include but not limited to:
- Intervention
- Harm reduction
- Information, referral, and support
- Positive, supportive, non‐judgmental role models
- Youth empowerment
- Positive peer involvement
- Positive Youth Development
Independent Living Skills
- Money management
- Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
- Rental Agreements
- Job Seeking and Job Retention Strategies
- Decision Making Skills
- Setting and Meeting Educational Goals
- Personal Health and Wellness
- Accessing Local Resources
- Transportation
Program Eligibility
- 16‐21 years old
- Homeless by federal guidelines
- Unaccompanied youth
- Must meet program guidelines, meeting weekly with case manager, job readiness classes, legal matters, school attendance, working towards independent living.
Volunteers and/or mentors may provide a valuable support to the SSRHY project
Support services may include hosting of special events, fund raising, community activities, sharing their life experience, work skills, and traditional teachings. Mentors generally work one on one with a youth that they are matched with based on their personal experience, skills, and training. They offer caring presence, listening, and offering encouragement.
Call us for more information at (218) 335‐8280.
Mi gwetch!