Maintenance & Inspections
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Low Income Rental Tenants Maintenance Responsibility
The Housing Authority is responsible for all routine and non-routine maintenance on rental units owned by the Housing Authority. Tenants are responsible for the normal care and maintenance of their unit and common property, and are required to keep the unit and grounds in decent, safe, and sanitary conditions.
Tenants are required to inform the Housing Authority of any maintenance problems that arise. If the problem is determined to be routine or non-routine maintenance, the Housing Authority will schedule and pay for repairs. If the problem is determined to be caused by abuses by the tenant or any person the tenant allows into the unit, the tenant is required to make repairs at his/her own expense. Failure by the tenant to correct the problem will result in the Housing Authority correcting the problem, and billing the tenant for the costs surrounding the repair.
Mutual Help Homeownership Program Maintenance Responsibility
The homebuyer is responsible for all maintenance of the home and common property to insure that the property is maintained in a decent, safe, and sanitary condition. The Housing Authority is not obligated to pay for or provide any maintenance of the home other than warranty items during the warranty period.
The Housing Authority keeps on hand supply of common items needed for repairs. These items are available to the homebuyer at cost. Maintenance staff, if requested will provide advice and technical assistance for homebuyers. Any maintenance problems experienced by homebuyers should be brought to the attention of the Housing Authority staff so that any assistance available may be provided.
If the homebuyer fails to perform maintenance of the home, the Housing Authority is responsible for working out a plan of action with the homebuyer to correct the problem. Failure to comply may lead to a termination of the MHOA.
Any maintenance work performed by Housing Authority is processed on a work order. Materials, mileage, and labor at cost will be billed to the homebuyer and a copy of the completed work order will be recorded in the homebuyers file.
INSPECTORS: Ron Anderson, Ken Rice, Tim Lindgren, and Pat Finn
The Housing Authority is responsible for doing a complete annual inspection of all its housing properties and offer assistance during the year to tenants concerning maintenance problems.
Annual Inspections:
Inspection reports are completed for each rental unit and mutual help home and submitted to the Housing Service Coordinator at the end of the inspection period. Action will be taken to bring any housing in unsatisfactory condition up to acceptable and decent standards.
An inspection report letter will be completed by the Maintenance Program Supervisor and sent to tenants with unsatisfactory inspection reports. If the conditions are within the tenant’s responsibility the tenant has up to two months to correct the problem before another inspection is set in place. This is especially applicable to Homebuyers.
A Final Inspection will be done for dwellings having problems correcting past inspection fails. If the dwelling is still unsatisfactory the case will be referred to the Executive Director for Housing Authority for further action.
Contractor’s Warranty Inspections:
These inspections are for housing still under a contractor’s warranty and shall take place no less than every three (3) months, beginning three (3) months after the date of the approved interim certificate of completion.
Other Inspections:
Should inspections by a field representative (other than annual inspections) show that the dwelling is below acceptable standards and within the tenant’s responsibility, an inspection report letter will be sent to the tenant informing him/her of the problems and specifying a time frame for the tenant to correct the condition.
At the end of the time frame the field representative will again inspect the property. If the situation is still unsatisfactory, the Maintenance Department will initiate a work request and a work order. Upon completion of the work, a copy of the work order will be sent to the office staff to apply appropriate charges to the tenant’s account.
Emergency Maintenance
If you have an emergency please call the emergency telephone number and a member of our emergency staff will assist you. This number should not be used for non-emergencies; see below for what is considered an emergency.
Emergency Number: 218.888.2936
What is Considered An Emergency:
- No heat
- No water or hot water
- Electrical problems
- Clogged toilet in single toilet dwelling
- Sewer backing up
- Broken water lines
- Frozen pipes
What is Not Considered An Emergency:
- Clogged toilet in multiple toilet dwelling
- Pest control
- Leaky sink
Maintenance Staff
Maintenance Supervisor
Loren Howard
Colleen Rushman
Custodial Maintenance
Tony Donnell
Custodial Maintenance
Sherry Jenkins
Travis Humphrey
George Rea
Dave Elletson
Wilferd Korpela
Warehouse Manager
Gregg Anderson
Justin Seelye
Project Manager
Matt Korpela
Submit a Work Order
Work Order
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Bed Bug Prevention
Looking to avoid bed bugs? Bed bug prevention may be a bit easier then treating an existing infestation. According to the 2013 Bugs Without Borders survey, bed bugs remain THE most difficult pest to treat - more difficult than cockroaches, termites and ants!
Depending on the scope of an infestation and the type of treatment used by a pest professional, it can take several treatments to completely eliminate bed bugs.
Fortunately, there are many things that one can do to prevent bringing bed bugs into the home. Vigilance is the key to bed bug prevention. When out in public - whether at a hotel, store, movie theater or work place - it is important to be conscientious of surroundings.
As the public's awareness of the bed bug resurgence grows, focus on bed bug prevention has also grown. Many Americans are modifying their behaviors to minimize their risk of an infestation. According to the 2011 Bed Bugs in America survey, 27 percent of respondents have inspected or washed clothing upon returning from a trip; 25 percent have checked a hotel room for bed bugs; 17 percent have inspected or vacuumed a suitcase upon returning from a trip and 12 percent have altered or canceled travel plans because of concern about bed bugs.
Regular bed bug inspections are the best method of prevention to avoid bed bug infestation.
It is important to be aware of how to prevent bed bugs in your everyday life. Here are some prevention tips to keep in mind regarding how to avoid bed bugs:
- Vacuum suitcases after returning from a vacation.
- Check your sheets for tell-tale blood spots.
- Consider bringing a large plastic trash bag to keep your suitcase in during hotel stays.
- Carry a small flashlight to assist you with quick visual inspections.
- Never bring second-hand furniture, especially mattresses and box springs, into a home without thoroughly examining for signs of a bed bug infestation. You might consider having a pest control professional inspect the furniture as it is difficult to detect an infestation without training.
- Regularly inspect areas where pets sleep for signs of bed bugs.
- Bed bugs are elusive creatures, so it is imperative to seek professional pest control assistance to address an infestation.
Everyday Bed Bug Prevention Tips
Read these tips for preventing bed bugs to learn more about how to protect your household from an infestation:
Roach Control
The American cockroach is the largest of the house-infesting cockroaches. Despite its name, the American cockroach is not native to North America, but was probably introduced via ships from Africa in the 1600s.
The best advice for American cockroach control is to practice good sanitation. To prevent American cockroaches from infesting your space, vacuum often, keep a spotless kitchen, seal all entrances around utility pipes and ventilate crawl spaces to prevent moisture buildup. If there is evidence of a cockroach infestation, contact a licensed pest professional to inspect and treat the American roach problem.
American cockroaches often enter structures through drains and pipes. They are more active when the temperature is 70 degrees or higher, but they can survive lower temperatures with the right conditions
American roaches have been reported to spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, six kinds of parasitic worms and at least seven other kinds of human pathogens. They can pick up germs on the spines of their legs and bodies as they crawl through decaying matter or sewage and then carry these into food or onto food surfaces. Recent medical studies have shown that cockroach allergens cause allergies and exacerbate asthma attacks, especially in children and those living in metro-city areas. As with other species of roaches, American cockroaches can pose a threat to individuals with allergies
Rodent Control
The house mouse is the most common rodent pest in most parts of the world. It can breed rapidly and adapt quickly to changing conditions. In fact, a female house mouse can give birth to a half dozen babies every three weeks, and can produce up to 35 young per year.
To keep mice and other rodents out, make sure all holes of larger diameter than a pencil are sealed. Keep areas clear and store boxes off of the floor because mice can hide in clutter. Don't overlook proper drainage at the foundation and always install gutters or diverts which will channel water away from the building to prevent ideal conditions in which house mice can nest. Regularly inspect the home for signs of mice including droppings, gnaw marks and damaged food goods. If you suspect a rodent infestation, contact a licensed rodent pest control professional to treat and get rid of house mice.
House mice prefer to eat seeds and insects, but will eat many kinds of food. They are excellent climbers and can jump up to a foot high, however, they are color blind and cannot see clearly beyond six inches.
House mice live in structures, but they can survive outdoors, too. House mice prefer to nest in dark, secluded areas and often build nests out of paper products, cotton, packing materials, wall insulation and fabrics.
Micro droplets of mouse urine can cause allergies in children. Mice can also bring fleas, mites, ticks and lice into your home.